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Thank you for your vote and support.
We would like to give a special "Thank You" to our wonderful patients!

Art in the Park in Francis Park
Schultz Family Dentistry participates in the Art in the Park event each year. Since 2013, we provide a festive craft for the children to work on while getting to know the people of St. Louis Hills neighborhood!

Neighborhood Business of the Year Award 2016
Schultz Family Dentistry is honored to receive Neighbordhood Business of the Year award from Mayor Francis Slay. Congratulations to all of the businesses recognized! We certainly live and work in a wonderful neighborhood!

Schultz Family Dentistry's Annual Candy Buy Back
Hosted through the first week of November each year; Schultz Family Dentistry collects donated Halloween candy. Candy is shipped to our troops over seas to show appreciation!

Washington University Medical School- Health Fair

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